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Släng dig i väggen ChatGPT

mars 12, 2023

Jag kunde inte låta bli att testa styrkan i det nya ChatGPT. Kan man lita på detta verktyg?

Som jag förstår det kan ChatGPT egenhändigt skriva ett arbete med hjälp av information som scannas från internet. Ett utmärkt sätt för studenter att fuska, som dessutom inte går att avslöja (ännu). Men kan ChatGPT dra slutsatser utifrån faktauppgifter?

Jag bad programmet att skriva en utläggning om följande ämne:

Write an essay on the medical evidens that suicide assesment can prevent suicide

…och med övermänsklig snabbhet fick jag följande uppsats:

Suicide is a major public health issue that causes significant emotional pain, suffering, and loss for families, friends, and communities. Suicide is a complex issue, and its prevention requires a multi-dimensional approach. Suicide assessment, an integral part of suicide prevention, is a process used by mental health professionals to identify individuals at risk for suicide and provide appropriate interventions. Medical evidence has shown that suicide assessment can hinder suicide and reduce the likelihood of suicide attempts and completed suicides.

Firstly, suicide assessment can help identify individuals who are at risk for suicide. Mental health professionals use a range of assessment tools and techniques to identify risk factors and warning signs of suicide, including suicidal ideation, previous suicide attempts, mood disorders, substance abuse, and interpersonal conflicts. Once identified, mental health professionals can provide targeted interventions to address the underlying causes of suicidal behavior and prevent future attempts. These interventions may include psychotherapy, medication, crisis intervention, and referrals to community resources.

Secondly, suicide assessment can reduce the likelihood of suicide attempts and completed suicides. Studies have shown that individuals who receive appropriate interventions after suicide assessment are less likely to engage in suicidal behavior. For example, a study conducted by Hawton et al. (2016) found that after receiving psychological interventions, patients who had attempted suicide had a significantly lower risk of suicide attempts and completed suicides than those who did not receive interventions. Similarly, a study by Tarrier et al. (2013) found that patients who received cognitive-behavioral therapy after suicide assessment had a lower risk of suicide attempts and completed suicides compared to those who did not receive therapy.

Thirdly, suicide assessment can provide support and hope to individuals who are struggling with suicidal thoughts and feelings. Suicide assessment allows individuals to communicate their distress and receive validation and empathy from mental health professionals. This validation can help reduce feelings of isolation and provide a sense of hope that recovery is possible. Suicide assessment can also provide individuals with information about resources and services that can help them manage their suicidal thoughts and feelings.

In conclusion, suicide assessment is an important tool in suicide prevention. Medical evidence has shown that suicide assessment can help identify individuals at risk for suicide, reduce the likelihood of suicide attempts and completed suicides, and provide support and hope to individuals struggling with suicidal thoughts and feelings. Mental health professionals should continue to use evidence-based suicide assessment tools and techniques to identify and intervene with individuals at risk for suicide. Suicide assessment is an essential component of suicide prevention, and it can save lives.

ChatGPT undviker (likt Socialstyrelsen, IVO och NASP) den egentliga frågan. Jag ville ha evidens för att suicidriskbedömningen kan minska risken för självmord, men det kom inget svar på det. ChatGPT nämner ett par studier som tyder på att interventioner kan minska självmordstankar och självdestruktiva beteenden. Det är ju inga nyheter, men ChatGPT hittar tydligen inga studier som faktiskt visar att någon intervention minskar risken för självmord, och som jag förstår det har hela internet skannats.

Slutsatsen som ChatGPT drar, att ”suicidriskbedömning… …kan rädda liv”, går inte att dra på den information som presenteras.

För den som inte är så bevandrad i vetenskap (IVO, NASP…) så försöker jag mig på en liknelse. Om hemmalaget i fotboll har mer bollinnehav, fler hörnor, frisparkar och skott på mål, så innebär inte det att de vinner matchen. Det är målen som räknas.

Sorry ChatGPT. Du går i samma fälla som IVO och NASP. Det verkar som det fortfarande behövs mänskliga hjärnor.

From → Suicidprevention

One Comment
  1. Sven Bremberg permalink

    En aktuell och omfattande metanalys summerar: The random-effects meta-analysis yielded surprising findings: The overall intervention effects were small across all Self-injurious thoughts and behaviours; despite a near-exponential increase in the number of RCTs across five decades, intervention efficacy has not improved. Fox KR, Huang X, Guzmán EM, Funsch KM, Cha CB, Ribeiro JD, et al. Interventions for suicide and self-injury: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials across nearly 50 years of research. Psychol Bull. 2020 Dec;146(12):1117–45.


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